“Research in the primary English Classroom”


“Research in the primary English Classroom”

CAR is research design for improving the quality of English teacher’s performance in teaching and student’s achievement in learning English in the classroom. Teacher evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching activities and plan the improvement based on the result of their evaluation. The background reason for conducting CAR, CAR is kind of research begins with questions about classroom experience, issue/problems, challenges. CAR begins with classroom problem identification and selection of the most prioritized problem to be solved.  

Then the product of CAR, is the product of research is the answer to the research problems that have been presented at the beginning of the research. CAR always proposes a strategy to solve problems in the classroom, so product is always an innovative instructional strategy to solve the problems. To state the research problems in CAR:

  • 1.     Research problems are the starting point for the research
  • 2.     The criteria of success in CAR can create based on research problems.
  • 3.     Research problem in CAR reflect two things: solving the problems, developing an innovative instructional strategy.
  • 4.     The most important part in CAR is the development of the instructional strategy.

Examples of research problems:

  • 1.     Emphasizing on the problem solution: How can the skill of writing recount tests of the second-year students of SMP Negeri 3 Nganjuk 1n 2007/2008 academic year be improved through the implementation of interactive experience?
  • 2.     Emphasizing on the development on instructional strategy: How can picture game strategy be developed to increase the student’s participation in their learning speaking?
  • Classroom Action research activities involve repeated cycle. Those are:
  • 1.     Planning: planning is a step prepare classroom instructional strategy to be developed in the study to solve the instructional problems. It is the first step before doing something. The planning is expected to be futuristic and flexible to face some non-anticipated effects. There are several planning principle’s, specific, manageable, acceptable, realistic, and time bound.
  • 2.      Acting: in this process of actually trying out the strategy to test how much the strategy can solve the classroom problems. Acting can be applied by the persons who are involved in the teaching method which the result also will be sure for completing in doing assignment.
  • 3.     Observing: observing is the process of collecting data indicating the success of the strategy in solving the classroom problems. In the observation, the research should take a note about: the process of action, the action’s effects, environment and some troubles.
  • 4.     Reflecting: reflecting is the process of analyzing data to determine how far the data collected have shown the success of the strategy in solving the problem. Reflecting consist of: analysis, synthesis, interpretation, explanation, explanation and conclusion.

Data collection and the instrumental in CAR:

  • 1.     Data collection in CAR are all information related to the criteria of success targeted in research
  • 2.     The data may in the form of numerical data or verbal information
  • 3.     Numerical data include the result of test
  • 4.     Verbal data include student’s problem, classroom atmosphere, student’s motivation, instructional strategy, behavior of students
  • 5.     CAR doesn’t belong only qualitative or quantitative research, because both type of data may be collected.
  • 6.     The data on student’s English achievement can be collected using English achieve tests developed based on the curricular objective.
  • 7.     The data on the student’s problems, classroom atmosphere (verbal information) can be collected using interview, observation documents etc.
  • 8.     An observation checklist to record the teacher-research’s activities or to record student’s activities is not appropriate, because teacher-researcher’s activities or students’ activities do not always relate to the criteria of success.
  • 9.     The instrumental that can be used to collect the data reflecting how well a strategy can solve the problems is appropriate. It can be developed based on the nature of data.

Criteria of success:

1.     The success of learning English not only measured with the achievement in learning skill (show the score), but instructional strategy that creates classroom atmosphere that gives students joyful learning experience can motivate the students to sustain life long self-learning.

2.     Instructional strategy can be called as effective or success if it is practically.

3.     Strategy which has expensive media and complicated procedure may not attract any other teacher to apply it, but it can attract if it has similar problems to solve. 

ReferencesBland, J. (2015). Drama with young learners. In J. Bland (Ed.), Teaching English to young learners, (219-238). London: Bloomsbury.
 Brewster, J., Ellis, G., & Girard, D. (2002). The primary English teacher’s guide. Harlow: Pearson Education. 


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