Ritual in the classroom


"Ritual in the Classroom" 

Have you ever experienced in your school that your friends and you always do the same activity which is in the beginning or the end of the class? 

Yeah, if you ever experienced that is we called it ritual of class. This activity we can experienced in Kindergarten, elementary school and in high school also. But, this kinds of activity that occurred in Kindergarten and elementary school. 

For example you can see or maybe you've experienced , the students come to class then their teacher ask them to make the line and then kiss her/his teacher hands . 

I've experienced, when I was in elementary school my English teacher made the ritual class before our lesson began. Every morning , if we come to class for study our teacher always wait for us in front of our classroom. When we want to enter the classroom our teacher always give the simple question about our material that we have llearned before or our teacher showed the picture based on our material that we've learned. First, we stood in one line then our teacher ask the question . 

The question was " We used to eat? " We used to take a bath"or showed the picture like fruits, animals, object etc. If we didn't know to answer, we didn't allowed to enter the classroom. Because, we learned English so the purpose that our teacher made that activity to improve our vocabulary. 

In my opinion, If one day I teach my students I'll used this kinds of ritual class. This is one of effective way to improve vocabulary of students which learned English. 


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