
Tunjukkan catatan dari Januari, 2021


 Suddenly  on his way he faced some trouble. That  some trees bumped his body. He was angry at the moment. He blamed the trees because block his way. But, the tree didn't accept then the tree used his branch to catch the king. Then the wind,  fire, and water came to save him.

“Learning Development”

  “Learning Development” Learning is an active process. All parents/carers and teacher who have observed children in learning situations can testify just how actively they are involved when they are interested. For example, they can be completely absorbed in the story that they are listening to or in the pretens game that they are playing. Children learn through their explorations and play, and through opportunities to talk things through with others, usually adults. Jean Piaget, referred to active learning as constructivism. He suggested that children construct knowledge for themselves by actively making sense of their environment. According to Piaget the process of assimilation is the child assimilates information to fit their own interpretation of the world and existing ways of thinking (i.e. all animals are hatched from eggs). At a later stage, perhaps, in a conversation about animals, a parent might explain that piglets are not hatched from eggs. At this point the child will have

“Research in the primary English Classroom”

  “Research in the primary English Classroom” CAR is research design for improving the quality of English teacher’s performance in teaching and student’s achievement in learning English in the classroom. Teacher evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching activities and plan the improvement based on the result of their evaluation. The background reason for conducting CAR, CAR is kind of research begins with questions about classroom experience, issue/problems, challenges. CAR begins with classroom problem identification and selection of the most prioritized problem to be solved.   Then the product of CAR, is the product of research is the answer to the research problems that have been presented at the beginning of the research. CAR always proposes a strategy to solve problems in the classroom, so product is always an innovative instructional strategy to solve the problems. To state the research problems in CAR: 1.      Research problems are the starting point for the research 2.  


  “Assessment” Assessment is the use of a variety of procedure to collect information about learning and instruction. There are two kinds of purposes for assessment formative purpose and summative purpose. Formative purpose, directed towards helping teachers to adjust their own approaches and this would take place throughout a course of teaching. While summative purpose, to see how well learners have done at the end of period of teaching. Both formative and summative assessment can have an impact on children’s motivations but in different ways. Formative assessment, is more likely to be associated with positive feelings by learners towards the subject studied, while summative assessment need not be associated with too many negative feeling if it is felt to be fair in some of the ways.   In the classroom after teacher finished explain the material to the students, teacher should assess the students understanding about the material. In this case we talk about why assess young learner

“Material evaluation and Material design”

  “Material evaluation and Material design” Material evaluation may be defined as a procedure or a systematic appraisal measuring the potential value, of materials on learning in relation to other objectives. (Tomilison 1998). In other words, material evaluation means a principled process of providing useful information about the targeted materials in order to select and/or develop them in a reliable and valid approach. Mukundan (2004, 2009) argues that there are two purposes for evaluation: the first one is select the coursebook and the other purpose is to determine the effectiveness of the coursebook while they are used. However, Tomilison and Masuhura (2004) indicate that the ultimate purpose of evaluation is for re-development of material. Identifying the potential strengths and weaknesses of the materials for selection and/or development purpose is useful.   Types of Evaluation (Book) ·        External evaluation: claims made on the cover, introduction and table of conte

Learning to Learn

  “Learning to Learn”   Hello everyone, have you ever thought about why we need to learn? Some of us might be thought that we need to learn because that is our needs to complete our future life. Here I’m going to explain a little bit about “An innovative way of learning for long lasting memory and Gaining expertise”. Learning to learn is the ability to pursue and persist in learning, to organize one’s own learning, including through effective management of time and information both individually and in group. In fact, that we do/did study to: 1.      Earn certificate. 2.      Get a job 3.      Please people around us 4.      Gain information for future 5.      Guardian ask to do so 6.      Gain knowledge and wisdom So, the biggest question is that why should we study? Yeah and the answer is learnt. Also, we need to learn to make learning fun, to gain knowledge and expertise, to have long lasting memory. Common learning practices: 1.      Cramming 2.      Taking

Teaching Vocabulary and Grammar

  " Teaching Vocabulary and Grammar"  Teaching world should be based on context and meaning, not rote learning. Hyme (1972) the goal of language teaching is referred to as “communicate competence”. Hyme coined this term in order to contrast a communicate view of language and Chomsky’s theory of competence. In Hyme’s view a person who acquires communicative competence acquires both knowledge and ability for language use. Learning a word for productive use requires more learning than for receptive use. Therefore, when planning, the teacher needs to prepare activities that enrich the learning to known words and improve the access to the words. There are several activities that suggested: role play, retelling, ranking, same or different, kim’s game, remember the picture, the paragraphing strategy, communicative crosswords, twenty question, describe it!, beating the odds, split information problems, headlines, where should the prison be built, 4/3/2. To teaching vocabulary throu